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Mole Removal Surgeries for Children

Moles are small round spots caused by the cells that give the body its color to settle differently than normal. Although moles are generally harmless, cancerous moles can be found in some cases. These types of moles can be dangerous for people of all ages. Adults can track moles on their bodies, but what about our children?

Moles are usually genetic and can be passed on to your children. If you have moles, your child most probably will have moles. Another reason for moles is spending too much time under the sun. Although there are a few diseases related to moles, they are generally harmless.

When you should concern?

Moles are usually in a form that small, round, and brown, black, or skin-colored. Also, moles might grow on the face, head, neck, back, arms, and legs. As we mentioned before, moles are usually harmless unless;

  • the moles are growing rapidly
  • the moles have become itchy or sore
  • the moles have been bleeding, or developed a crust
  • the moles have changed color, particularly if it’s darker
  • the moles have become raised and lumpy

Mole removal treatments for children

Many experts and doctors usually don’t suggest that mole removal treatments for children, for cosmetic and medical reasons. Why because moles don’t turn into cancer in children in general. Also, the mole removal procedure can be distressing for children and has a high risk of scarring.

Doctors and experts usually recommend that you should wait until the teenage years before looking into mole removal. However, there are some things you can prevent your child from moles, such as avoiding too much sun can help prevent moles.

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